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  • jQuery $.ajax()/$.get() function always get same value for IE

    Posted on June 19th, 2014 Sean Add comments

         When I was trying to use jQuery $.ajax() or $.get() function retrieve some random value from the server side, it’s working fine on firefox or chrome, but not IE. The server side code like below (written in ASP.NET MVC):

         The client side code:

         I’m supposed to get a random number every time I click the link, but in IE, always same one returned. Regarding Craic Computing’s Blog, that’s because IE will cache the value first returned, and trade rest requests as identical by default, so it won’t update the value since the request URL never change.
         To fix this issue, just disable cache in the jQuery function as following:

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  • Set “height” property in CSS of a link

    Posted on June 25th, 2013 Sean Add comments

         By default, the tag <a> is an inline element, there is no way to set custom height for it. It only changes along with the text size. But you can change it to be block in order to set a custom height like below:

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  • CSS中的id与class小感

    Posted on October 14th, 2008 Sean Add comments



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