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  • 裸盘

    Posted on November 24th, 2010 Sean Add comments


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  • 中文Mac系统下MonoDevelop乱码解决

    Posted on September 13th, 2010 Sean 2 comments


    1. 打开应用程序文件夹,找到MonoDevelop,右键选择“显示包内容”
    2. 此时会进入程序包的内部文件中,然后依次进入:Contents -> MacOS -> share -> locale
    3. 将locale文件夹中的zh_CN文件夹删除或是移动到其他地方,再启动Mono,语言即变成英文
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  • How to print screen with mac which is running Windows

    Posted on July 2nd, 2010 Sean 3 comments

         For Microsoft ASP.NET, I have to have Windows on my Mac for installing visual studio, then I need to use Windows for a while. But there is no such “Print Screen” key on Mac keyboard, so if I want to print a screen or a window, need to use combined key:

    • First, Windows needs Bootcamp installed
    • If want to print whole screen, use SHIFT + FN + F11
    • If just want to print current window, use ALT(option key) + SHIFT + FN + F11
    • Paste the screen to picture editing tools, such as Photoshop
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  • How to make DMG file on Mac

    Posted on June 23rd, 2010 Sean 2 comments
    1. Create a new folder and copy the files you want in the DMG image into this new folder.
    2. Choose this new folder, and on the top menu bar click: File -> Get Info, find the size of this folder (e.g. 49.2 MB)
    3. (click pics for bigger view)

    4. Open “Disk Utility”, go to Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility
    5. Click the “New Image” icon to create a new disk image, enter a name for the image, and select a size adequate for the size of your folder you created in step 2 (usually should be little bigger, e.g. 50 MB here). Set the encryption to “none” (if you don’t want set password for it) and format to “read/write disk image”
    6. (click pics for bigger view)

    7. Place the contents of the folder created from step 2 into the newly mounted disk image
    8. (click pics for bigger view)

    9. Unmount the disk image after copy done, the DMG file is what to you want
    10. Option: Go to “Disk Utility” again, choose the image file and click “Convert”, then set “Image Format” to “read-only”.
      (This step just make your disk image can’t be modified in the future)
    11. (click pics for bigger view)

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